I don't consider myself a great gardener although I've had a few gardens. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. For example I usually get a profusion of herbs but for the last two years not a single beet has turned into anything but bug eaten tops. But I keep planting and trying and learn something new with every garden. I have never grown garlic and this year I am going to give it a try. You can plant it either in the spring or fall so I am going to try fall planting and keep my fingers crossed. The variety I chose is Late Italian. I would like to say I scoured through all sorts of varieties and this one was best for my purposes, but in reality it was the variety the store had left and I'm sure it will be just fine. It apparently is a soft neck variety with a tight wrapper and nice fat cloves and good for braiding. I planted them this morning and so goes another garden experiment.
I have waiting for me a large bag full of green tomatoes. I was tempted to toss them in the compost bin but then I found a few recipes to try, some green tomato chutney and green tomato salsa. I'll report back after I get them made.
I also took some photos of my backyard as winter sets in, a cool dried fern which I might bring in and see if I can do something interesting with and some very sour concord grapes on the vine. I probably could have made jam with them but it would have taken 40 pounds of sugar to make it palatable. Even the birds haven't eaten them!

Hello Susan, Good luck with the garlic growing. The grapes look great on the vine. I reckon they would of made good jam.
You have won my giveaway.Congratulation. Please email me please at cjquilter00@charter.net Thanks.
I hope you have better luck than me. I have my fall garden in, but wild animals eat it up. It is so dry here they are coming in to eat anything, even a jack-o-lantern I sat out on the front porch.
Thanks Judy!
Yvonne, I'm sorry to hear about your gardening efforts but also sorry for the animals being that desperate for food. I hope rain finds its way to you soon. Saying that I hope it comes in an easy amount to handle...no deluge!
We've planted garlic in the fall for several years and have always had a good crop. My DH (the gardener) recommends that you cover the garlic bed with a nice thick coating of leaves for the winter. It helps protect them.
I have given up on growing my own garlic....something in God's animal kingdom must have Italian heritage :0)!!! Blessings. Mary Helen
Your grape vines need a lot of water, I think this is the reason they're so sour. I've planted the same garlic and a profuse amount, great tomato crop- never bought any,up to Txgvn I still collected
5 yellow ones.
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