
May Day Violets

There is a profusion of violets in my yard right now and with tomorrow being May Day I could make some violet filled May Baskets.  Making candied violets is another thing I've thought about doing with them.  I'm not sure I'll actually get to either one of them but if you are curious here is a link for several ways to candy violets.  Martha Stewart also has some nice ideas for making May Baskets.  Happy May Day!


Yarn Bombing

Covering the Tree

In addition to the gallery show Common Threads, there was also a community yarn bombing.  Folks knitted and crocheted pieces with their own or donated yarn and brought them to the gallery.  On a beautiful, sunny Saturday a group of volunteers gathered to sew the pieces together and wrap the tree.  Well, I say tree but there were so many donations several trees got decorated as well as a scooter, the bike rack, the gallery sign and a piece of driftwood.  Someone was even inspired to yarn bomb their car!

It all made for a colorful entry to the gallery and created lots of interest.  In fact some folks were walking by and joined in to help and spent quite a lot of time working on it.  A nice community effort!

Bike Rack


Toni's Yarn Bombed Car

Vince working on the sign



Inside the gallery
Friday night the exhibit Common Threads opened.  I met many new people, had a great time and if I do say so myself, the show looks fabulous.  Here is a photo of the gallery as well as the eight pieces I exhibited.  Unfortunately the images I shot in the gallery aren't as good as I would have liked but you get the idea...enjoy!

Soliloquy #7
Soliloquy #809
Soliloquy 935
Pastoral Wisdom
Birds and Berries
Keeper of Leaves


Common Threads

I think I mentioned quite awhile ago that I was invited to participate in an exhibit featuring textiles and I have been working on getting all of the pieces made.  Time has passed quickly and the show opens on Friday, April 20...just three days!  If you are anywhere near Stevens Point, WI come to the Riverfront Art Center and check it out.  Besides me other artists participating are Marilyn Annin, Donna Kallner, Ann Phillip, Pat Bishop, Kathie Briggs, Clairan Ferrono, Pat Kroth, Linda Witt Henke, Casey Puetz, Maggie Weiss and Trish Williams.  The show runs from April 20 to May 27. 


Spring in Chicago

Happy April!  The sun is out, the flowers are poking up and the trees have beautiful spring green leaves.  The mid-winter doldrums are finally over and ideas are flowing - thank God!  Last week my sweetie and I went to Chicago - he for a conference, me for fun.  On the night we arrived we took a walk and ended up on Oak Street Beach where I promptly took off my shoes and headed for the wet and a bit cold sand.  It felt great!  We found prints in the sand of someone that took to the beach in their roller blades - I suspect that was a tricky  walk!  We also saw this amazing shot of the setting sun coming through the buildings and illuminating a single tree -- so beautiful.
I spent the next day at the Chicago Institute of Art.  I saw much of the museum but I think it would take several days to see it all.  My favorite room was Asian sculpture...a huge room filled with Buddhas of every size and material and these little dancing figures.  It was so inspirational.  In addition to the Buddhas were Monet's, Van Gogh's, O'Keeffe's, Seurat's Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte and Grant Wood's American Gothic and so much more.  
After a day of culture I hit the Miracle Mile.  My goal was to go to American Girl Place.  I really have no children to buy for but I've always been fascinated with those dolls and when I got there I wished I was eight again!  It was a great trip and sprinkled in there was Chicago style pizza and excellent croissants.  It was a great city to explore and I have only just begun.  I can't wait to go back.