
What's in Your Stash?

It's time for some stash busing!

I know I said I wasn't going to make any resolutions but I have been thinking seriously about ways to clear out some of my stash. 2015 is going to be the year! As I mentioned in my previous post I like to do a lot of different things so I have yarn, fabric, beads and buttons, paper, photos, found objects, hand carved stamps and all the tools and equipment needed for creating with all these gems.  Plus, with the advent of Pinterest, one of my favorite sites of all time, I'm always filled with new ideas.  My studio is tiny so bringing in more materials makes what space I do have a challenge.  So, I've decided to start shopping my stash.  In addition to that I believe I will start filling my etsy shop, which has sat forlornly empty, with the creations!  

Sandy Leigh at Eat, Write, Dream, Stitch was thinking the same thing and came up with a Stash Dash and five simple rules to help out.  If you're thinking you might need a little stash dash head on over to her blog and see her plan.

I'm going to undertake some book making and use the amazing Japanese calendar that's in the top image for the covers.  It's a really large calendar so I should be able to make several Japanese ledgers.  I'll post pictures when I get them done.

What is the most interesting thing in your stash?  What are you going to do with it?

Yarn stash--some great colors in there!


Win Dinn, Artist said...

I'm laughing over your stash clean-out. I've been promising myself that for months, years even! I have a vintage clothing book, worn and in shreds, that's calling - it definitely can't go!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I've actually been trying really hard to do this over the past couple of years. I have quite enough in my stash to last me at least ten years of heavy-duty crazy quilting so I really don't need to buy a single thing, other than to replenish my waste canvas as I use it up. I have very little in the way of yarn stash for my knitting and try to only buy that on a project-to-project basis.

Unknown said...

Shopping your stash is a great idea! We tend to forget what we already have. So many fun items!

Unknown said...

Shopping your stash is such a great idea!

deanna7trees said...

my mini warehouse....my stash....sounds a lot like yours but i'm just not willing to get rid of much. instead, i'm cleaning out closets and drawers that have nothing to do with my crafting. i think that will also be a great accomplishment. thanks for visiting my blog.

Unknown said...

I think we definitely are from the same tribe! For example, when I was thinking of creating a crafty blog, a few years ago, I actually thought of calling it Threads of Inspiration--but, I googled it first and found your blog, and always loved your blog! And of course, thought of another name. So this year, we are definitely thinking the same thing with shopping our stash more regularly than we shop Michaels and Hobby Lobby, for sure. I was thinking of posting a regular Thursday Stash Dash blog during the year. I might even try to figure out how to do a linky thing. Thoughts? And I love that you are also a Downton fan! I just hope they don't have anything on Bates concerning Mr. Green--I couldn't stand to have Mr. Bates in jail again!! Hugs! Sandy Leigh

Peggy said...

Love to use my stash, it makes me feel so virtuous. Will go check out the link -- saw your onion pizza, too -- sounds wonderful!