
Stash Busting


After writing about shopping my stash I figured starting a project to use some up would be a good idea.  I am not exactly sure what this is going to be but I love the intense red and working  with a grid.  When there were only four squares cut out they were going to be coasters but that didn't bust much stash, so now there are nine.  Still not much used up so there is a nice stack of red squares waiting to be added into the design.  We'll see how big it gets.

Last night while watching a movie I finished this cowl.  It's made out of Alchemy Yarns of Transformation's Silken Straw and Temple.  To finish, it goes in the washing machine to be lightly felted, which happens tomorrow after the big game (Go Packers!) ...or maybe Monday.  The garter stitch design disappears when the wool is felted and the silk drapes beautifully.  I saw this made up last spring when I was at the Minnesota Yarn Shop Hop at Steven Be's and fell in love with it.  

The next project is a sweater made out of lace weight.  Call me crazy.  I did a small swatch to get gauge and it drapes beautifully.  The swatch knit up easily but working the first few rows has been a little frustrating but I'm going to carry on.

Have you started any stash busting projects?


Meredith said...

Our house is very sad right now with the Packer loss. Really what will we get excited about now?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Stash busting is an ongoing mission here. Never seem to make much headway, despite my best efforts. I think perhaps, just perhaps, things are multiplying behind my back. As for lace knitting - I just finished frogging my scarf I was working on after having made a mistake I couldn't figure out how to fix. Good thing I'm stubborn and will keep trying to get it right!

liniecat said...

love those circles, will be interesting to see what you do with them : )