
Crop Art

This past Monday I went to the Minnesota State Fair and had a great time...ate bad food, walked for miles, saw animals and lots of great handmade items. One of the funniest categories to enter is Crop Art. All of the images are created out of seeds. You have no idea how many kinds of seeds there are...sizes, colors, textures...amazing. The subject matter ranges from fanciful and kitschy to political to portraiture. There is a woman named Lilian Colton who is famous for her crop art. Check out this link to see more about her artwork. Here is a small selection of what I saw.

Wearable Crop Art

Young Girl

Nut Goodie (Minnesota's favorite candy bar)
The AIG Bull

Wall of Portraits by Lillian Colton


Yvonne said...

It's amazing. Reminds me of the furniture made from matches. the hobo art from days of old. Also the sailors art, jewelry and boxes made from shells. Sand art, hair art, etc. The inner artist comes out and you can use anything I think. YOu just have to create!

Threads of Inspiration said...

So true Y, love your new photo!

J said...

That is so very cool! Makes me want to try.