Several months ago I was rummaging around in my stuff and found this little embroidery thread holder that my grandma had made. The idea of it was to put skeins of embroidery floss under the black thread that runs down the middle of the fabric and it would hold it in place. I didn't have a blog at that time and didn't take a photo of it before I decided to do anything to it but, the black thread was torn and frayed and there were acetate ribbons on each end that were also frayed.

I took out the black thread and re-sewed it with new and completely removed the acetate ribbons. Then I created a new inside which has a place to hold scissors with a ribbon to attach them. (I didn't have any grosgrain ribbon at the time but I think I will replace the ribbon I used because it is really wrinkly and looks bad) I also added pockets for holding cards of embroidery floss and some felt pieces to put needles and pins.

The red fabric that I used for edging and the scissors holder was perfect in shade and style...when I bought it I surprised myself at how attracted I was to it because it is not the sort of thing I usually buy. Maybe grandma was giving me an angelic nudge!

That is really beautiful. Grandma would be proud!
Your Grandmother would be absolutely love how your revised her needleholder. Well done. I especially like the colors chosen. Terrific work.
I love the way you have restored this keepsake ... it's given me ideas for some of the doyleys my grandmother left me ... also thank you for the welcome comments & tips on my blog
I am really enjoying your blog and projects you've made. I'm adding you to my Calico Cat Press blog roll and invite you to take a stroll through either of my blogs.
Kindest Regards, Dana
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