
New Work and Art Torture

Falling Leaves detail

 I think all artists go through periods where they are driven crazy by the work they are doing and that is certainly true of me.  I have been working on several pieces, or actually they have been working on me, on my psyche that is, and I have finally been able to get clear about them.  There are times when I don't know that a piece is complete and I mentally make and remake them.  But enough about the angst.  Here is my new work, two wall pieces, which are very different from the sculptural figures I had been making.
I think living in Wisconsin and its shades of white winters has had an impact on the kind of work and material choices I have been making.  I'm using all natural colored cotton, linen and silk and enjoying the subtle beauty of the fabrics.
Falling Leaves, detail
Falling Leaves is about 10 feet long and only 8 inches wide.  It can hang vertically or horizontally and has hemstitching, couching, applique and embroidery on linen.  The leaves travel gently downward and a shiny thread helps trace their way.  To break up the space I have inserted small darker pieces of linen all along the path.
100 Squares
The second piece, which I haven't titled as yet, is made up of 100 squares in a 10x10 grid.  Each square has an opening that allows light and shadow play on the wall behind.  While I am showing you this piece it isn't actually complete.  I need to put a backing on it and a small binding around the edge.  I got so excited when I decided it was finished I couldn't resist adding it to the post.
Falling Leaves

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