Last night there were predictions of frost and it seems my garden is at the height of its productivity. We had a very late spring and I didn't get to it for several weeks after it was possible so the plants are acting as if it is mid-July, although the days are getting shorter and the temps cooler. This frost prediction is about a month earlier than normal, whatever that is anymore. I went out and harvested all of the tender plants - lettuce, basil, flowers, beans and lemon verbena that I thought wouldn't make it. I covered as much as I could with blankets and happily we stayed just above freezing. However, I now have all of these vegetables and herbs that I have picked. I'm planning on making big batches of pesto with the basil. After I make it I put it in ice cube trays and freeze. Once the basil cubes are frozen I pop them out and store them in a freezer bag. They are great for adding to pasta sauce all winter long! I think we will be having a pizza tonight with pesto, sundried tomatoes, calamata olives and marinated artichokes on my half! Delish! One more thing...today is my birthday, so this is birthday basil!

Hello from Michigan. I wish you A Very Very Happy Birthday and I hope you have a super wonderful. day. I wish I knew more about herbs but I don't and I am not a creative cook either. Your dinner sounds yummie can I come to dinner too. Hugs Judy
With all those wonderful smells and things around you, how could your birthday not be wonderful. Enjoy the little things! Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday! Mmmm basil and pesto. Yum!
Lovely photos. Glad to hear some of your news again. Happy Birthday and best wishes for the coming year. Kate x
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