I'm guessing you all thought I'd flown the coop, but no I am still here but had to take a bit of an absence last week. My mom continues to need more care and so we had to admit her to a nursing home. It was a sad day but we are all trying to adjust in our own ways.
But onto more fun things! Denise was the winner of the giveaway! The kit to make Anya will be winging it's way to her soon. Congratulations Denise!
I know how hard it is to put a parent in a nursing home - try not to feel too badly because sometimes you reach the point where you have no choice.
My prayers are with you at this time for you and your Mum.
It must be a difficult situation for you now Susan. Being a retired nurse I know just how hard it gets to take care of loved ones at times. Do take care of yourself okay. YOu're in my thoughts.
I know it must be hard to you.
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