
Sculpture Park

This weekend we spent a lot of time on our bikes exploring the area. My favorite ride was through the new Stevens Point Sculpture Park. It is a lovely path through the woods and over creeks with sculpture nestled in the trees. One of my favorite sculptures was a room-like space created with dried branches woven together.

Another had cords tied to the trees and tied on to the cords were small pieces of paper. Each paper had a message or blessing written on it by hikers. Nearby was a jar with paper strips and pencils, so we added our blessings to the sculpture. I believe this is similar to a Japanese tradition of tying papers with blessings onto trees.

We also found a little bird nest.


Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

This looks a wonderful place to visit.
I love how the birds nest could become a sculpture in the park.
M x

Yvonne said...

That is soo cool. What a wonderful place to go. Gives me inspiration for a hopefully future park in my little town.