
New Look

I have been working on my new look all day, but I have been thinking, researching and saving links for months. I've made a new header, added a nice linen border and some new links divided into sections. You will find art which includes some of my favorite artists and friends, food, gardening which I don't have many links for yet and spirit, meaning some spiritual sites as well as folks who seem to live with great spirit! While I basically have run out of time today and my family wants dinner, I will be adding to these link lists in the next few days. If you can think of a site I have left out, leave me a note and I'll check it out.

I have decided to change the content of this blog as well. I have mostly kept it about art and textile art at that, but I plan to branch out and include, as you may have guessed from the addition of my links, gardening, food and spirit. I do have another blog called Threads of Wonder and it has been hard to keep up with both of these blogs, so plan to include the same sort of posts, those of appreciation for my life and all it includes, here. I will keep Threads of Wonder up for awhile, but will no longer be posting there. I hope you like the new look and will enjoy the upcoming new posts.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Looks great!

Yvonne said...

Love the new blog look. Always look forward to seeing your posts.