As you may have noticed my blog posts have been in short supply of late and I was, at first, thinking the title of this post would be "To Blog or Not To Blog?" but to rewrite Hamlet a bit, that is not the question. I have been realizing that in a lot of areas of my life I either go all out or I quit.
Then I started going to the local Y and adding regular exercise into my life and I really wanted to commit. With a membership you can get several sessions with a trainer and I thought it would be a good idea to help me get past that time when I want to quit. When I started to get overwhelmed with exercise cutting into my studio time, Seth, the trainer, a very wise young man, made me come up with alternative ways to think and act. Maybe only go three or four days a week, go on alternative days and times, don't stay as long, etc. Then he grilled me on thinking differently about my eating habits and it has actually worked.
So what does that have to do with blogging? When I first started blogging it was for fun, a friend talked me into it and I really enjoyed reading comments from new and old friends. Then I decided to really try to get new readers and blog everyday. It took over my day, which meant less studio time and so true to my habits, I set it aside. So, back to my Hamlet quote. The question "To blog or not to blog?" is answered by balance. I will be blogging a few times a week, not daily and not leaving three or four weeks between posts, at least that is my goal. I will try to read and comment on others blogs as often as I can and am inspired to. I really need to exercise, create, cook, do laundry and manage my life and I want to do it in a balanced happy way. It only took me 52 years to figure this out, but better late than never!
The image at the top is another little garland I made, some crocheted fall leaves. Just so you know, I have been creating!
Bravo. balance is a tricky thing...great that you are committed to the exercise thing! it is 'saving my life' as I am type 2 diabetic. hang in there, and so glad you aren't giving up the blog!
Good for you Susan! We all need to learn to do what is the best for us and not try to live up to the expectations we feel others are putting onto us.
Magpie said it perfectly. In my case, I often choose something, or start something, for fun or for a relaxing diversion, and then go at with such force that it turns into another chore. Blogging should't be a chore. I'm sure we'll all be happy to hear what you have to say and see what you've made as and when you have the chance to show us.
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